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LISUN SMT-1 Standardni testni prst – Pitanja i odgovori nakon prodaje
19 svibnja, 2023 535

LISUN SMT-1 Standardni testni prst – Pitanja i odgovori nakon prodaje

Ima uređaj za zaštitu od strujnog udara. The SMT-1 standardni testni prst je prema IEC60335, IEC60884, IEC61032, IEC60529, IEC60065, IEC60035, IEC60950, EN60529, EN60950, GB4706, GB7000, GB-16916.1, GB9706, UL507, VDE0470, etc. SMT 1_Standard Test Finger Q1: The use of conductive clips A1: According to the standard, it is necessary to connect the anti-shock circuit device fo...
